Answer the following questions to proceed to the next stage. Type your answers into the comment boxes.
  1. After which King were the two Carolina states named?
  2. In the 1830s, many Indians were forced to leave their homelands in the Southeast region in order to give way to the Whites. During the trip to their new place of living more than 60,000 Indians died. For this reason the forced movement has been given a special name. What is it? (three words)
  3. From 1861 to 1865 several states fought against each other in a war. Many of those battles took place in Virginia. What is the name of this war? American ... ... (two words)
  4. One of the reasons of this war was the fact that in 1861 six states (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana) from the Southeast region decided to be no longer part of the United States. They gave themselves a new name. What was it? ... ... (two words) of America
  5. What was the main reason for the war between the states in the North and the ones in the South?

Moving on to the next stage

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Take the following parts from your answers and put them together without any spaces! Your password consists of four digits.

  • 1. First letter   
  • 2. First letter of first word    
  • 3. First letter of first word    
  • 4. Third letter of first word    

Access the next stage by clicking on "nature" at the top of this page and by entering this password!
20/6/2016 03:01:38 am

after King Charles

20/6/2016 03:01:50 am

2:Trail of Tears

20/6/2016 03:04:23 am

civil war

20/6/2016 03:11:38 am

Confederate States

20/6/2016 03:13:42 am

Confederate States of America

20/6/2016 03:14:07 am


6/4/2017 12:16:15 pm

idk history dont listen to me


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